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the Journey of my mind

I cannot write poetry . However,what I write, I cannot call it prose. Whenever I've shown it to someone they said it was poetry. You read and decide then let me know

Sunday 26 February 2017

To all the missing girls.


Black figures of voiceless , faceless  girls.
Sucked up by the  heartless, ruthless whirl.

Moments: 3

The car halts.
My eyes are closed.

A rap and a tap.
I open my eyes.

Kholed  Eyes,
Lipsticked lips smile.
Dazzling earrings,
Sequenced sari.
Neatly parted oiled ,plaited hair.

I look at the rough, dirty,asking hands.
What a pity!
A transgender
Begging for money.

I close my eyes.
The rap becomes a clap.
The tap becomes a smack.
The car moves on.
 I hear a mocking song.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Moments: 2

On the bus to work
I saw two transgenders.
Looking at me ,
They whispered something something
and smiled.
I got up to alight.
Walking past them I asked
"What did you say to smile'?"
Shyly one of them replied
"Nothing,just that you are beautiful,
We think."

Astounded. I looked them in the eye and said,
"Thank you. You are beautiful too."

The bus halted. I went off to work

Moments :1

 I look out of the window.
What a bright and lovely day!
Red palash blooms ,standing tall
On their trees, dot the skies
Here and there.
It's a wonderful day!
With winter gone,spring is in the air,
Marred only by the beggar boy's
Dirty faced,rheumed eyed
Blank stare.