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the Journey of my mind

I cannot write poetry . However,what I write, I cannot call it prose. Whenever I've shown it to someone they said it was poetry. You read and decide then let me know

Wednesday 25 August 2010


When I was Small
Many times I asked you Mom,
From where had I come?
You then told me a story
Of how you fell in love with me.

One day you and Bapi decided to have a baby.
You went to the hospital
to have a look.
"Why", I asked.
"Well", you answered," Thats where God sends babies
For parents to come and choose".

As you walked down the baby room
Looking at all the babies
Swathed and snuggled,
Sleeping with an angelic look,
There was this one baby,
Just refusing to sleep,
Kicking and crying,
Causing the nurses to get angry.

You took one one look
And there, she had you hooked.

For some days
You had to stay in the hospital
Learning to nurse and care.
All the nurses would be angry at you
For choosing a baby
Dark and curly.
Demanding and crying
And spoiling everyone's sleep.

You would feel guilty,
For sure the baby kept everyone busy.
But nothing mattered,
You loved me.

Ma , how I loved this story.

Ma I remember you
Pretty and young,
In the photograph
Where you are holding me
To face the camera-
Your laughing face,
Your hair lose,
Looking radiant and fresh from
Your bath.
And me-
Trying to stand
On your lap,
With chubby legs,
bewildered face,
In a white frock
And no panty.

I remember you Ma
Reading out to me the epics
As I lay beside you.

I remember you Ma
In a simple deep green sari that you wore
For Bhai's first party.
In school when you went to visit
Every one said that
My mother was very pretty.

I loved to sleep between you and Bapi
I loved to hold you
And snuggle up to your
Soft body.

Ma! Ma! Ma!

As I grew I hated you to be angry.
I hated when you forced me to
Clean cupboards and Knit mufflers
Just to keep me busy.
I hated your fastidiousness and strict face.
I began to hate my studies.
That made Bapi and you more angry.
I felt you loved
Bhai more than me.

Slowly I felt distanced
From you.
I couldn't communicate and share.
My thoughts were my own.
I soared with dreams that took me
Beyond the limits of the sky.
I would sit quietly for hours
In my own world of dreams.
You couldn't understand.
I wouldn't smile or talk.
Between us there was a rock.

I was growing to be myself.
I could't be what you wanted me to be.
I was good out side
And naughty inside.
It hurt that Bapi and you couldn't
Be my friends.
In school
How I made every one laugh!

Ma do you know
The number of times
I have dreamt at night
Of you two back to taking care of
Bhai and me at Phuguri?
We used to be so happy!

I don't want you both to be old.
It is scaring to think that
One day you won't be there,
That one day I won't hear
Your voice on the phone,
And suddenly one day-
We won't have to worry for you.

I see both of you
Thinning day by day.
For you the Cancer
And for Bapi ,
Your slow cancerous ebb.
Both Bhai and me-
We do what we have to do.
We immerse ourselves
In our lives
Trying to forget
The fear and pain of losing you.
We love you.

Sunday 22 August 2010


The unthinkable has happened
Last night you told me that Rafique has left.
" Where"?
You could not tell.
"His Wife"? I asked.
You fumbled and mumbled.
You could not tell..

Then Farah, Rafique's sister came one day
She too said..
" You know Rafique has left."
" What happened", I asked?
"They were having problems", she said.
"And........",I opened questioned.
She looked here and there
But could not tell.

" You know, Rafique has left", "Rafique has left"
".... ..fique has left," " has left .. . " "has left.... left".
There was only one news everywhere that Rafique has left.

I was tired of the whole story.
Rafique was a good friend.
I worried about Reena.
No news of her what so ever.
I asked my husband.
He seemed to know but would not tell.
He fumbled and mumbled
And looked the other away.

Phone calls and hushed talks.
Eyes unable to meet.
Early departures and late arrivals.
Irate moods.
A gloom curtained my household.
fights started ,
lonely days ran ahead of me.
I couldn't understand the sudden change.

Reena would not answer my calls.
One day when I announced I would visit Reena
Sandip said she had left for her mother's.
It piqued me that no one would tell me anything more
Whatever had happened to Rafique....
I wanted to know more and more.
I called Reena...
Once ,twice, many times,
She would not answer.

Alone in the house one day
I suddenly was restless.
A voice inside me poked ,"Go, go",
I didn't know where...
I walked out of my door
Wild and disheveled,
Mad and in a trance
After ten days I went to Reena's.
Neighbours said,
I shouldn't go in.
I stood at her doorstep and called her.
She would not answer.

Eyes looked at me from all windows.
Everyone knew
We knew each other
Then why couldn't I be told?

With trembling hands and weak legs
I climbed up the one last step.
I wished for Sandeep's strong arms around me
Two days ago he had left on tour.
I hated to be alone .
God knows what had happened to my friend.
"Rafique has left", was all I knew.
I braced myself to ring the bell.
I heard the bell ring,
My mind swirling with all kinds of thoughts,
What could have happened to my friend.

I stood there for how long
I did not know.
My finger pressed on at the bell.
It rang and rang on .
All doors opened.
Eyes stared at me.
Mouths opened,
Some hands tried to pull me away.
I wouldn't go.

Soon other hands banged and
Many voices called for her to open the door.
I stood still waiting , I didn't know for how long.
Suddenly everything was quiet.
There were noises and voices from inside.
I waited with others outside,
Refusing to go.

All of a sudden the doors opened.
I stood and stared .
Turmoil in my heart.
Sweat dripping from my glands,
Hair disheveled,
Body quivering with unknown emotions
As Reena stared at me from behind Sandeep.

I could not speak any more.
Emptiness engulfed me.
Rafique had gone.
I turned,
Walked down the stairs.
All I wanted was to vanish
Into the wilderness of the world.

The next day
There was a new buzz
"Anna has left. .." ..."has left...." left"
"Anna has left...."
"Where, where", Sandip asked.
"You pushed her ,
Into the wilderness of the world",
Was all they said.