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the Journey of my mind

I cannot write poetry . However,what I write, I cannot call it prose. Whenever I've shown it to someone they said it was poetry. You read and decide then let me know

Wednesday 28 August 2019


I hear of death -
Of  a sudden  loss.
A friend's brother,
A neighbor's son ,
A mother, or a grand mother ,
A friend, a sister ,
As on and on the stories go
I am filled with remorse.

I have lost so many uncles and aunts.
I have lost grand parents whom I loved.
I have lost a very dear friend whose thoughts still choke.
Above all I've lost my mother ,
Whose death I could not grieve
Because of sorrows that lie so deep.

It fills me with remorse
How do we cope.?
How do we cope?
Death .
It fills me with remorse.

The sudden loss
Comes with a disarray.
An emptiness that is spaceless
A habit that suddenly won't be there
A face , that we won't ever see
A voice, that will never be heard .
A hand, that won't ever pick up the phone to ask.
A mouth,  that will never say comforting words again.
No place to rest our heads and forget the pain.
As the years go by the numbers grow.
And with each death behind us, we grow.

As the petals fall one by one 
We remain  but pollen dusts.
Hanging on to our dear lives
Till the winds decide to blow us away. 
As someone's father, mother, or uncle, and aunt, 
Brother ,sister , grand parents and spouse ,
We scatter, and cause disarray ,
In the lives of those we leave behind.

I fear the day that I shall die
My daughter will  then feel the same as I .
 No more will she be a child again ,
A mothers loss is a terrible pain !


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